Angela Stuesse: Activist Anthropology
Angela Stuesse is an activist anthropologist who currently is a professor at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. She studies the globalization of the rural U.S. South and social inequality. Angela has done significant research and work on the poultry industry in rural Mississippi.
In this episode Angela shares about her work as an anthropologist, how Latino migration has transformed the U.S. South, and about supporting workplace justice.
This episode is very educational and will make you think about cultures coming together, how we can gain perspective by looking into our own communities and neighbors and our buying power as a consumer.
Angela is the author of Scratching Out a Living: Latinos, Race, and Work in the Deep South
Hosted by Kristin Srour

The Future of Latinos in the United States: Law, Opportunity, and Mobility (Southern Roundtable)
A nation-wide, interdisciplinary research initiative of the American Bar Foundation (ABF) devoted to producing innovative scholarship on the Latino population in the United States, promoting opportunity and mobility through law and policy.

Behind the Raids: Scratching Out a Living
Angela Stuesse will speak at Mississippi State University about the story behind August’s immigration raids on Mississippi’s chicken plants, the largest single-state immigration enforcement action in U.S. history.

Recruited to, then Deported from, Mississippi: A FB Live conversation with Angela Stuesse & Dany Vargas
Join us on FB Live tonight for a conversation about why so many immigrants workers came to work in Mississippi poultry plants and how, once settled, they found themselves the targets of anti-immigrant aggression.

Critical Understanding of Racialization in the Era of Global Populism
Stuesse will present on Immigration, Citizenship, and the Disruptive Politics of Deportation Defense at a symposium organized by the Study of Experiences and Resistance to Racialization (SERR) at Aalborg University, Copenhagen.

Alcances y límites para el diálogo de saberes entre academia y movimientos sociales
Roundtable featuring Alejandro Cerda Garcia, Adam Coon, Mariana Mora Bayo, Andreia Santos, and Angela Stuesse

“Illegal” and Not Undocumented: Life under the Trump Administration
Roundtable featuring Heide Castañeda, Norma Chinchilla, Susanne Jonas, Sarah Luna, Girsea Martinez-Rosas, Max Shue, Angela Stuesse, and Elizabeth Vaquera

Politically-Engaged Scholarship and Service with/for Undocumented Campus Communities
Roundtable featuring Flavio Bravo, Gabrielle Cabrera, Heide Castañeda, Ruth Gomberg-Muñoz, Gaby Hernandez, Milena Melo, Jose Ortiz, Maria Ruiz-Martinez, and Angela Stuesse

Constellations of Disadvantage and Resilience in the Latinx South
Plenary, Latin America and North Carolina Seminar, UNC World View

Organizing Institutional Support for DACA and Undocumented Students at UNC-Chapel Hill in Precarious Times
Roundtable featuring Katie Bowler Young, Ricky Hurtado, Todd Ramón Ochoa, Barbara Sostaita, and Angela Stuesse

Border Politics: A Panel Discussion
Dr. Hannah Gill - Dr. Angela Stuesse - Barbara Sostaita

2018 UNC DACA Week Community Forum
with Tina Vazquez (Rewire), Stephanie Griest (Author), Viridiana Martinez (Alerta Migratoria), and José Romero (Poet), Moderated by Angela Stuesse

Scratching Out a Living: Immigrant Labor and Racialized Precarity in the South
Sponsored by UNC-Wilmington's Department of Anthropology, the Honors College, and Centro Hispano, Angela Stuesse will give a public lecture about her work.

At a Stranger's Table: Latino Migrant Farm Workers in Eastern North Carolina
Please join us for a presentation, film screening, and panel discussion with UNC Assistant Professor of Anthropology Angela Stuesse, documentary filmmaker Scott Temple, artist Sally Jacobs, and members of AMEXCAN as we discuss the challenges faced by Latino migrant farm workers in North Carolina.

Migration: Movement, Transition, and Community Change
Angela Stuesse will share her work and facilitate a discussion of the documentary film Morristown: In the Air and Sun for Elon University's Global Neighborhood, whose thematic focus for 2017-2018 is “Migration: Movement, Transition, and Community Change.”

The Latino Experience in the South
Angela Stuesse will appear at the 25th Annual Oxford Conference for the Book to speak about Scratching Out a Living at an author roundtable about the Latino Experience in the South.

Black-Latinx Solidarity
The James Weldon Johnson Institute for the Study of Race and Difference at Emory University
Presents the Public Symposium:
Black-Latinx Solidarity
Exploring the politics and promise of working together for a better world.

Detained on Trumped-Up Charges: Migrants and the Ascendant U.S. Security-State
This roundtable brings together scholars of immigration in the U.S. and criminalization to consider the effects and implications of the Trump Administration's broadening of the category "criminal aliens"—for the nation, for state and local jurisdictions, for migrant workplaces, and, above all, in people’s everyday lives.

Book Presentation by Author Angela Stuesse
Angela Stuesse
Latinos, Race, and Work in the Deep South
Thursday, November 16 / 5pm
Tickets available here: https://www.oaxlibrary.org/online-store/Book-Presentation-Scratching-Out-a-Living-p94314057

Pecking Order: Latinx Newcomers, Receptions, and Contested Racial Hierarchies in the Deep South
When Latin Americans began arriving to work in Central Mississippi’s poultry plants, local people didn’t quite know what to make of them. It was the late 1990s when they first became visible in checkout lines at grocery stores and walking along the side of the road. “All of a sudden they were everywhere, walking on the streets, speaking a language we couldn’t understand,” noted a forty-something African American plant worker. This presentation considers the processes through which a diversity of Latin Americans from across the continent have become racialized as “Hispanic” in Mississippi’s poultry communities and how they fit into and upset the existing racial hierarchies of the region.

New Authors in Latino/a Studies Roundtable
This roundtable, sponsored by the Latino/a Studies Section of the Latin American Studies Association, celebrates the newest research in the field of Latino/a Studies. Recently public authors will share their cutting-edge research and their personal experience in their paths to publication in a lively, informal conversation about research, publishing and teaching while Latinx.

Annual Immmigration Dialogue
Oxfam America at UNC-CH and UNICEF at Carolina present the Annual Immigration Dialogue. This year's speakers include Colin Thor West, Angela Stuesse, and Vimala Rajendran,

Scratching Out a Living: Activist Research for Immigrant Worker Justice
Angela Stuesse, author of Scratching Out a Living: Latinos, Race, and Work in the Deep South, will be the Keynote Speaker at the Labor Studies Working Group 10th Decade Project Graduate Research Symposium.

Humanities in Action: Latinos, Race, and Work in the Deep South
How has Latino immigration transformed the rural South? In what ways has the presence of these newcomers complicated efforts to organize for workplace justice? Based on six years of engagement with a poultry workers’ center in Mississippi, this talk discusses the story of how Black, white, and new Latino southerners have lived and understood these transformations in the chicken plants and surrounding communities, and calls for organizing strategies that bring diverse working communities together.

Author Roundtable and Book Signing: Mexicanos, Migration, and the Politics of Exclusion
This roundtable will bring three authors into dialogue about their recently published books to discuss how the politics of citizenship shape the lives of migrants and Mexicanos in the United States, how these politics are racialized and gendered, and what their work suggests in terms of possibilities for social and/or political change.

Immigration and Refugee Policy in Crisis: Reflections for a New President
Immigration and refugee policy has reached a global crisis. More people are compelled to cross borders than ever in our planet’s history, and many are entering communities hostile to their presence. Moreover, the role of nations and states in providing for economic and political refugees is an increasingly contentious topic the world over. At the dawn of a new presidential administration, we reflect on these concerns. Join us for a day of roundtable dialogue with researchers, community practitioners, and policymakers working on key topics of immigration policy reform and refugee resettlement and services.

Perspectives on Issues Concerning Refugees & Immigrants in Our Region
Panel discussion with audience participation, featuring Scott C. Phillips (North Carolina Field Office Director, US Committee for Refugees and Immigrants); Felix B. Ioyoko (Founder and President of Raleigh Immigrant Community); Dani Moore (Director, Immigrant and Refugee Rights Project for the NC Justice Center); and Dr. Angela Stuesse, Moderator (Assistant Professor, Anthropology and Global Studies, UNC-Chapel Hill)

¿Cómo hacer investigación hacia la descolonización y en colabor?
Conferencia Virtual
Desde el pensamiento crítico de los movimientos sociales: ¿Cómo hacer investigación hacia la descolonización y en colabor?
Activism and Anthropology: A Book Reading and Dialogue about Race, Immigration, and War
What are the connections between the #BlackLivesMatter movement and Black liberation struggles in Brazil? What can labor activists learn from the experiences of Latino/a immigrants and labor struggles in the U.S. South? What’s the significance of the permanent infrastructure of nearly 1,000 U.S. military bases overseas to the anti-war movement?